Create a Culture of Caring
Workplace Giving Campaigns & Business Donations
Give Love. Give Hope. Give Jefferson.
Supporting United Good Neighbors through workplace giving shows your clients, customers and employees that yours is a business that cares about the health of our community.
Local individuals and families are struggling to meet their most basic needs due to economic hardships created by inflation and exorbitant cost of living expenses.
Unaddressed, these challenges will compound but local businesses – LIKE YOURS – can lead by example and inspire a culture of generosity that ensures that Jefferson County is a community where all can thrive!
Donations to United Good Neighbors’ Give Jefferson support 29 local nonprofits providing food, shelter, healthcare, education, advocacy and more!
Business donations are honored and highlighted throughout the campaign in print advertising, media and online promotions.
Ways to Give:
Host a Workplace Giving Campaign and empower your employees to donate through payroll deductions.
A one-time or recurring monthly gift can be easily deducted from employee accounts, allowing your staff to set their individual giving goals.
UGN works directly with your payroll manager to ensure setup is easy and efficient.
Employees are automatically mailed a record of their donation for tax deductions.
Set a Workplace Giving Goal. Commit to “matching” the total amount raised by employees. Or challenge your staff to cumulatively match a base donation.
By setting a Giving Goal you incorporate a spirit of generosity and caring into your workplace culture.
Employer match programs allow you to amplify the charitable giving of your staff.
Become a Business Sponsor by making a one-time gift on behalf of your workplace and join UGN’s 65-year history of championing local nonprofits.
Your generous contributions impact:
Housing and shelter
Food security
Educational opportunities
Resources for children and families
Financial assistance
Thank you for generously supporting Give Jefferson!
Your donations ensure that our community can weather uncertainty and recover from crisis.
When is Give Jefferson?
The annual Give Jefferson campaign runs November 11 - December 31, 2024.
One-time donations are accepted online during the campaign, or by mail year-round.
One-time donations made via Workplace Giving are deducted the first pay period in January 2025. Recurring donations made via Workplace Giving are deducted January 1 through December 31, 2025.
Who can donate to Give Jefferson?
Everyone! There are no donor restrictions. Everyone is eligible to donate to Give Jefferson via the online giving catalog, workplace giving campaigns, and/or mailed donations.
Can one donate anonymously?
Yes. Just check the box on the form or the website when you submit your donation.
Is there a minimum or maximum donation amount?
We welcome donations of any size. Your gift of $10, $100, or $1,000 or more will help to build a community you’re proud to be a part of!
Are donations tax deductible?
If the donation is made through a payroll deduction, it is a pre-tax donation and not tax-deductible. A receipt is not sent from Give Jefferson.
If your employee makes and donation directly to Give Jefferson, the donation is tax-deductible and they will receive a tax receipt.
Are gifts made online safe and secure?
Yes. Your donation is safe and secure. Credit card payments are processed through Stripe. Please visit for additional information.
How can my business support the effort?
If you have employees, run a Workplace Giving Campaign in your office. This involves promoting Give Jefferson and encouraging your employees to donate. (Campaign kits available.)
Offer a matching gift for every dollar your employees raise.
Promote Give Jefferson to your customers.
Include a link to on your website.
United Good Neighbors will provide all of the promotional materials and messaging needed so it’s easy to advocate for Give Jefferson.
For more information, email or
call United Good Neighbors at (360) 385-1729.
Pledge Forms for Payroll Deduction
Follow the link to your workplace’s
personalized payroll deduction form:
Sample Pledge Form
Port Townsend Paper Co.
Jefferson Healthcare
Jefferson County
Jefferson County PUD
Port Townsend School District
Chimacum School District
Quilcene School District
Frederickson Electric
2024 Promotional Materials
Give Jefferson Graphics
Workplace Giving Flyer
Gratitude Graphics
Themed Badges
Who Benefits from the Campaign?
Give Jefferson raises critical funds to support frontline organizations that ensure safety-net services are readily available to those most in need in Jefferson County. Increasingly, more and more of the people benefitting from these services are folks you interact with every day: children and youth, working families, fixed-income seniors, individuals with disabilities, and essential service providers. And, more often than not, these essential organizations rely on a few dedicated staff or are 100% volunteer-led.
Each year, United Good Neighbors seeks to increase our partner organizations’ capacity for fundraising and program advocacy by helping to tell the story of their positive social impacts and to raise awareness around their need for support.
Every dollar raised stays in Jefferson County and support critical programs and safety-net services provided by UGN’s 2024 Partner Organizations.
How are Give Jefferson partners
selected and funded?
Jefferson County nonprofits that serve basic human needs were each invited to submit one proposal for up to $10,000 for their general operations. A Community Outreach Team made up of volunteers from around Jefferson County vet each proposal to ensure that every dollar donated will have real impact. Donations to Give Jefferson are allocated to partner organizations in January 2025.